
Lavender sachets as christening favors #2

2013 finished project 10:30 AM
This summer I made these gorgeous lavender sachets, using selected 30's reproduction fabrics that fitted to the customer's taste for her daughter's christening. They were filled with lavender and some polyester stuffing, and the colors were from yellow to purple and red to blue. A really tiny button made this "pillow" effect, and a white ribbon was sewn on one corner to be...

A very long absense Pt2

Personal 10:30 AM
Returning to Thessaloniki was a bit difficult at first because we did not have our own house, so we were guests at my parents' home. But lucky us, I had an uncle in the island of Thassos (northern Greece), so we decided to continue our vacations! We had an amazing time, met wonderful people and rested a lot!! I even finished a huge...

A very long absence Pt1

Personal 12:06 PM
Hello again, after a really long and extended absence. I' ve been away for more than 2 months, and I really feel the need to tell you how this time passed. Well first of all, in May I quit my day job, because we decided to move to my hometown Thessaloniki. We've been living in a village in Peloponnesus for 6 years, and...


Quilting 11:53 AM
I am officially on vacation...we are everyday at the beach swimming, drinking coffee... The strange thing is that everyday I wake up at 6.30 in the morning, and because everybody is sleeping, I am relaxed enough, to work on my swoon. It is my first attempt to make a swoon quilt, and oh boy!!... it is a huge quilt! I have no idea...

A summer of embroidering

2013 finished project 9:14 AM
It was time to finish some other "UFO's" that were hanging around for a really long time, and being on vacations, really helps. I finished my superheroes "portraits", that I absolutely adore, and also the Stark family in all its past glory! (I am a Game of Thrones addict since the first episode-who isn't?). Photos did not come out very well, but anyway...

A finished goal

2013 finished quilts 12:11 PM
I've finished this baby quilt a couple of weeks ago, but never got the time to take a picture!! I am just in love with the binding of this adorable baby quilt, it gave a whole new perspective to the whole quilt!!! Don' t you agree? Materials I have used two print charm packs for the cuttie: 1. Cape Ann from Moda fabrics...

Christening favors for your baby's baptism

2013 finished project 10:00 AM
Finally I made a listing in my Etsy Shop for these cute little houses, for anyone who would like to have a unique handmade favor for your baby's baptism. They require a lot of work including some hand sewing, so please if you would like to make an order do it in advance so that there is enough time for me to make...

The summer bouquet

Personal 8:13 AM
This amazing lovely bouquet was given to me by my dear friend Sylvie, who collected all those flowers from her garden. Isn't it beautiful? It gave light in our home for almost a week! (Just wanted to show it to you). I got back from my easter-holidays, and I haven't shown you any picture....what a shame... We took a wonderful ride on the...

Lavender sachets and the LP

2013 finished project 8:14 AM
Finally I am back from my holidays in my hometown (it's been almost a month...but too much work to post anything!), and I have been really busy making these christening favors for my niece's christening ceremony. I am really IN LOVE with them! Aren't they the cutest little houses you've ever seen? Using my scraps I managed to 150 fabric houses...with the help...

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