
Tobacco pouches #7

pouch 11:00 AM
Already sold! Men's series +inside view +closed pouch view Play series +inside view +closed pouch view ...

"Wake up" Wall Quilt

2011 finished quilts 11:47 AM

New Day

Personal 6:22 PM
On wednesday I started Patchwork Lessons in a village nearby, and I am very excited! The teacher is great and I am definetely going to get many brand new tips, learn quilting from a professional (rather than youtube) and finally be able to talk about quilts. Very few people in Greece are quilters, so it was a great surprise for me to find...

S# Theme Day (6)

dolls 9:21 AM
Happy weekend for everyone! Today the day has started with lots of creativity, we have lit the fireplace, put the chestnuts under the fire and now I am embroidering my superheroes. Theme Day is hosting today some of my favorite Dolls. via: zakkaart via: etsy/romanticwonders via: evangelione via: RetroMama via: eugenia papadopoulou via: mmmcrafts ...

Tobacco pouches #6

pouch 7:48 PM
New pouches coming up in the shop: Kokka series +inside view +closed pouch view +inside view +closed pouch view +inside view +closed pouch view ...

Thoughts and bubbles

Personal 8:12 PM
The week has just started and it seems a regular one. Nevertheless, planing my next business move appeared to me as a huge mountain that has just become a hill, that is very easy to cross. So I am seriously thinking of opening a shop on etsy or dawanda or somewhere else... But have you ever had the feel that you will not...

Tobacco pouches #5

pouch 12:45 PM
I have been sewing really slowly, but now I can present something. I like tobacco pouches they are enough complicated, so that I don't get bored in the process. Here are my new ones. Have a nice weekend. Amy Butler series. Available in the shop. +closed pouch view +inside view +closed pouch view +inside view Neo-vintage series Available in the shop! +closed pouch...

Tobacco pouches #4

pouch 9:27 PM
Kokka series. Available in the shop! +inside view +closed pouch view +inside view +closed pouch view Neo-vintage series Available in the shop! +inside view +closed pouch view +inside view +closed pouch view ...

S# Theme Day (5)

bag 9:30 AM
It has been a very difficult week, but I guess the weekend will be very creative. I "opened" the shop here on the blog, and now work has started stacking up. I leave you with some of my favorite handmade bags! Have a nice weekend. via: weepereas via: Renske Solkesz via: Adri via: morelle/etsy via: andrea creates ...

Wednesday WIP

Embroidery 10:37 PM
I am so in love with these pixel people....I started this embroidery project that will definetely take its place in my wall. Pixel people patterns are available at etsy.com from wee little stitches. ...

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