
Google reader is closing!

Personal 10:19 AM
For all of you who were using Google Reader to follow your favorite blogs, Google has announced that its Reader will be closing the 1st of July 2013. So everyone is searching to use new platforms for reading and be up to date, of their favorite topics. Personally, I have never used Google Reader, I didn't find it so compelling as other platforms....

Wip Wednesday: My Checkers UFO

checkers quilt 11:17 AM
Recently, I have been trying to finish all of my UFO's...and it is slowly going very very well. I really felt frustrated just keeping cut fabrics-ready to be pieced, or prepared tops in the closet...(or maybe again I should get used to it!). This is my Checkers quilt top, made as a baby quilt. At first I had planned to make a large...

How I spend my weekends...A photo-post

Personal 9:30 AM
Daydreaming Playing with my brand new photo camera! Really excited to have her...but still there is a long road to walk, to learn all her tricks. Have a nice day! +our Klipsch speakers and some wildflowers I picked up yesterday. +The view from my balcony +A lemon tree in an abandoned house +The village I live in, Paralio Astros. ...

The other world #6

the other world 3:35 PM
Struggling with the dresden quilt, and hand-quilting as much as I can. Today we will be featuring some amazing artists from Israel...Quality products and plenty of imagination. Tamar Shalem from Tel Aviv, handmade shoes. Hamutelet from â€˜Ir Shalom, paper goods. Gelada from Tel Aviv, clothing. EmiliStudio from Tel Aviv, bags. Biantika from Tel Aviv, clothing. Babytogo from Tel Aviv, baby accessories. ...

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