I was so excited when I finished my first "large" quilt, early this summer, that I could not believe how great it came out. I started it February 2011 (yes I was that slow...) and finished it in June. The chosen fabrics layed in my shelves for about a year until I decided that something has to come out. The idea was to...
It has always been more fun to sew stuff, knowing that someone close would enjoy them. My dear friend Katerina wanted an organic cotton bumper for her little girl. She chose to use the Birch Fabrics line MARINE which are simply adoring for a newborn baby crib. Beautiful organic cotton prints are hard to find, and Birch Fabrics is providing a super cute...
And now the fabrics! We spent most of our time in flea markets, finding stuff and enjoying the good weather...If only I had more space to carry more!! These are fat quarters of fabrics resembling a lot to Liberty (but not Liberty). I bought the "map" fabric to make our new sofa pillows...I hope they'll come out ok. These were super-cheap! and I...
My August trip included nine days in Amsterdam, where we decided to spend our vacations. The delight of finding an actual (to be precise two!) quilting shop, was just a dream for me. First stop at "Den Haan & Wagenmakers" a beautiful quilt shop where you can find traditional dutch fabrics, useful books and quilting accessories. I bought my wonderful copy of "Farmer's...