About a month ago we had a new birth in my family. My niece Anna was born, and this is the quilt that I am preparing for her. I am using with some of my favorite fabrics (Sarah Jane - Children at Play) and a pattern from the book Fresh from the clothesline by Darlene Zimmerman. I have been working all weekend to...
I wanted to chose an exotic country for my next "other world", so I chose Argentina. Enjoy some of the most talented people in etsy. ganbatte from Buenos Aires, art prints. lovers rock shop from Buenos Aires, prints. lifestyle by Cara, from Buenos Aires, chairs and rugs. indomina from Buenos Aires, jewelery. I just love Argentina!!! PS. If you've been featured feel free...
Back from Germany and with a lot of sewing apetite. I have been very creative lately and you will know about it really soon. But now, some very cool vintage quilts for the weekend! Source: cgi.ebay.com via Zarkadia on Pinterest Source: quilltr.blogspot.com via Zarkadia on Pinterest Source: thekidsroomdecor.com via Zarkadia on Pinterest Source: willywonkyquilts.blogspot.com via Zarkadia on Pinterest Source: etsy.com via Zarkadia on...
Some of the moments in our recent trip to Germany, just in pictures. To be continued... ...